Curry Farms

Come to visit our Christmas tree farm and Pumpkin Patch. Stay a while and enjoy all of our other family attractions. There is lots for the whole family to enjoy. From class field trips, birthday parties and fun family days, there is plenty of fun at Curry Farms.
Pumpkin Patch
Hay ride
Corn Maze: Get lost in our maze and find your child within or the one you brought!
Giant Climbing Spider Web!
Bounce Pillow
Swingy Thingy
Fire pits
Hay stack climbing
Tire ponies
Feed the goats
Hay Slide: Wheeeeeee
Caterpillar choo-choo train
Hay Barn: for climbing & swinging from the rafters!
Culvert Races: Step inside and roll to the end (act like a gerbil or Guinea Pig)
Musical Pans: Beat out your own melody
Tire Climb: Shinny up & ring the bell
Duck Races: Head to head duck races, Curry Farms style
Sleighler Rides: An old fashioned hayride through our tree farm.
Caterpillar Choo Choo: Mini train ride around the farm area.
Corn Box: Remember your sand box? Ours is filled with shelled corn!
Tarnation: A Tire Stack for Climbing On!
Horse-A-Round: A Carousel like ride with tire swing ponies!
Climbing Trees: Remember climbing trees at Granny’s?
Tree Swings: Good ole swings!
Tether Ball: Wrap the ball around the pole!
Pedal Carts: Race around the track!
Goat Walk with More Goat Towers: Our goats are usually hungry!